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Aug 31, 2005

Final Countdown

Confessions_2 (click to play)

According to Madge's website, the countdown to "Confessions on a Dancefloor" has begun. 

The first single Hung Up does contain a sample from an ABBA song Gimme Gimme Gimme.  Previous reports had suggested a sample from ABBA's other song, Ring Ring.  Liz Rosenberg denied that.

Madonnalicious also reports today that plans are also in the works for a 30 second clip to be released on October 12th as a mobile ringtone.   

Aug 30, 2005

Clay Aiken is at it again.  Although reports say he kept calling a certain hunk constantly while on set filming a movie, he thinks gay questions are "insulting".  A little discretion would remedy this Clay.

(via reality blurred)

Related: One Of These Things:

Aug 29, 2005

Claychen One of these things is not like the other.  Remember that song from Sesame Street?  That's what popped into my head when I read this at Perez Hilton.com.  Is Reichen a closeted Claymate? 

Reichen's camp: “I don’t really want to get into that.”

Aug 25, 2005

Making Memories


We've all seen them, especially late night on the subway.  The Perv.  Some of us ignore them and some dont.  A quick thinking career girl on her way home from a job interview (she got it) caught a perv on the subway massaging his crotch and whipping it out.  Her handy dandy cam phone captured it in all its glory and posted it on Flickr.  She also told the police. 

In the midst of the on going investigation, the cops asked her some pretty interesting questions such as what time it happened, what he was doing, where he got on and where he got off.  Uh...it's pretty obvious, isn't it?

(via boing boing)

Aug 24, 2005


Big Cup

Another one bites the dust.  After the demise of 18th and 8th, Big Cup is closing its doors as well, on the 28th.  With the opening of an Eckerds, a Starbucks and a few others, 8th Ave is turning into one big open-air mall.  What's next? 

(via nycstories)

Aug 23, 2005

Oh Father

PriestThe Hypocrisy. Last week here in NYC, a filandering Monsignor who preaches at St. Patrick's Cathedral and has lately gone on a tirade about gays destroying the family and corrupting the sanctity of marriage resigned because he was caught having an affair with one his married (yes, I said married) parishioners. 

In Indiana, a church choir director was arrested for molesting some of the boys in the congregation.  In turn, his father (the church's pastor) makes that same congregation have a garage sale and raise money to bail his son out.  He then calls the mother of the molested boys "evil".

Talk about holy shit.  (via world of wonder)

Aug 22, 2005

Rampant Iran

Noose It is just so disturbing and dispicable.  Another execution of a gay man occured on August 16th in the city of Arak in Iran.  This is the third execution of a homosexual in the past 2 months, that we know about.  So far, however, the mainstream media has failed to pick up this developing story.  Why?

We were first made aware of these attrocities when Andy Towle reported on the two men boys executed in that country in July.  The reason for those boys' hanging was that they had apparently rape a 13 year old boy.  The allegations thus far are unfounded. 

Iran isn't done with gays yet.  It is said that more executions are scheduled for the end of this month.  Disgusting!

(Via 365gay and towleroad)

Aug 17, 2005

Stupid Girl


So in the aftermath of the crap that went down in the Big Brother House this week after our beloved King Kaysar's return and in direct retaliation to Head of Household Jen's nomination to evict him, some cool kids have given us a website to vent our frustration.  Jenvasquezsucks.com comes not a day too soon as we wait for the inevitable on Thursday.  Here is the website's gripe of the stupid girl:

We at jenvasquezsucks.com dont hate “stupid girl” or anyone else. We are simply saying that Jen Vasquez SUCKS. Her play was within the BB rules, but it’s evident she used the dirtiest, most dishonest game tactics ever seen on Big Brother. AND she used it on America’s favorite player, Kaysar.

(via realityblurred.com)

Aug 16, 2005

iBook Gone Wild


A near riot erupted in Richmond International Raceway as thousands of people stampeded through the gates in a rush to buy used iBook laptop computers for $50 each. 

My kids almost got stampeded. If it wasn't for these two really strong guys . . . Everyone was stampeding to get in."

Many had come prepared with books, snacks, umbrellas and chairs. The first car arrived at 1:30 a.m and by 6:30am vehicles were backed up about a half mile.

(via Boing Boing)

An eye opening statistic for New Yorkers.  According to New York's Dept of Health, there are 100,000 New Yorkers living with AIDS.  That's one out of every six people in America.

American Angel

So I was walking up Lafayette Street yesterday afternoon, when I saw a production crew filming in front of the Puck Building.  Me, being nosey, joined the other lookey-loos and wondered if anyone famous was working.  And then I spotted her.  Miss Fantasia Barrino was filming a video!  In angel wings????  Umm...ok. Well, whatever, I gotta have a picture!


So I whipped out my camera and just then a huge (and I mean, HUUUGE) bodyguard came up to me and said, "Do you understand English, NOOO PICTURES!"  I said, "I didn't hear anything about no pictures, but ok."  So, he walked away.  I took more pictures. 

What?  Like he was gonna stop me?

Fantasia2 Fantasia3

Aug 12, 2005

Sex Sells


I've been completely oblivious to it, but the Museum of Sex has been Objectifying The Male Body since June 16th.  Men Without Suits - Objectifying The Male Body, an exhibit set in a timeline tracing male form from classical Greece to the 21st Century, is an eye catching colage showcasing the male body with works from Edwin Townsend and most notably, George Platt Lynes.  If you want to get out of the heat but still want to "sweat" a little, check out the Museum of Sex (233 Fifth Ave at 27th St).

Aug 10, 2005

Great Scott


I love NYC nightlife.  It's edgy and hard and fabulous and some of the best DJs come from NYC.  One of those is DJ Scotty Thomson.  Scotty is fierce and when you visit NYC you can hear him play live at XL and at Spirit on Sundays. 

For those not from these parts, you can still check him out by visiting his website.  I was totally unaware of this cool site until a friend turned me onto it (thanks Donn!!).  Click on the music player that lets you hear Scotty's latest set in full!  If you still want more, you can register and download in full some of his high quality sets for your ipod.  That's hot!

Foreign Affairs

Spain_1 Spain - Spain's same-sex marriage law includes foreigners the justice ministry has ruled.  The ministry said that restrictions on the marriages of same-sex couples is illegal. In a ruling published this week in the Official State Bulletin, the ministry said it came to the "conclusion that a marriage between a Spaniard and a foreigner, or between foreigners of the same sex resident in Spain, shall be valid as a result of applying Spanish material law, even if the foreigner's national legislation does not allow or recognize the validity of such marriages."

Thai_1 Thailand - On Wednesday restrictions were removed on gays and transsexuals serving in the military. Officials also announced that it was removing homosexuality and transgenderism from its list of mental disorders following years of complaints from the LGBT community that the ban was discriminatory.

"The existing conscription law has been promulgated since 1954, when there were few homosexuals and transvestites, but society is changing very fast, so the army is in the process of amending the law and omitting those words from the certificate," said Lt. Gen. Arthorn Lohitkul, director general of the Army Reserve Command.

(via 365gay.com)

Wigstock '05


In the beginning....and very late one night in the spring of '84 a drunken group of friends, seeking more diversions, traipsed over to Tompkins Square Park, six-packs in tow. Brian Butterick, Michael "Kitty" Ullman, Wendy Wild, The "Lady" Bunny and a few members of the Fleshtones were horsing around in the bandshell when someone came up with the idea of putting on a show - a day-long drag festival - and calling it Wigstock.  Thus, the worlds most legendary drag-centric extravaganza was born.

This year, Wigstock 05 is alive and kicking (and screaming) at Tompkins Square Park on SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 5-7pm. 



And now it's time to take a moment and recognize NYCBoys Sponsors.  They do help keep this going afterall.

  • Half Life - Aaron Krach's novel about a boy who must "learn that trouble sometimes has to rumble through a tidy world to make room for the kind of magical connections that make life worth living".

    The Malcontent - The gay blogger's blog that asks, "What do a shirtless Andy Roddick, the New York Subway and gay marriage have in common?"

    Three Thieves - With hilarious films to set the stage, these delicious wines give this site a nice bouquet.  Order your box now.

Take some time to check visit these wonderful sites.

Aug 09, 2005

  • Sick.  Seattle man dies of a perforated colon after having sex with horse.  Although sex with animals is not illegal in Washington state, investigators were looking into whether the farm, located in Enumclaw, 40 miles southeast of Seattle, allowed sex with smaller animals that resulted in animal cruelty, which is a crime. (via msnbc.com)

Aug 08, 2005

Guards Up!

Nypd Hate Crimes in NYC on the Rise - There have been nearly a hundred attacks on gays in New York City this summer - with the two most recent over the weekend.  In June and July alone there were 85 violent hate crimes against NYC gays and the number has been rising almost daily in August. (via 365gay.com)

Aug 05, 2005

  • The coke runs through it.  Italian scientists have come up with a way to test the rivers in Italy and get a sense of the cocaine usage in the area.  So far, sewage sifters have found that 40,000 hits of cocaine are consumed every day in the Po River Valley, although only 15,000 residents of that area admit to using.  How do you say "coke heads" in Italian? (via worldofwonder)

Aug 04, 2005

Vote For Kaysar!

Kaysar_1 Ok bitches, I assume that you are all watching Big Brother 6 and you realize that we have the power to vote and give an evicted person another chance at the mil! 

So I call upon you to vote for our man Kaysar!  He's hot, smart, and knows how to play a clean game that scares the crap out of that house! 

Don't let me down people!!!!

Here's how to vote: 

Go to cbs.com and cast your vote for King Kaysar or if you have some pocket change text your vote.  To chose Kaysar, text the #3 to 22788 or CBSTV. 

Better yet, here is a nifty link (graciously provided by TVGasm) to let you vote for Kaysar right away and with no trouble at all.  VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!

(Click on Kaysar to vote for him)

Monaco Flash

Andrea_1 Thank you to Queerclick for giving us the goods on Andrea Casiraghi

Hottie Andrea is the eldest son of Princess Caroline of Monaco and it seems that, while hopping around the south of Spain on holiday with a current flame, managed to put on quite a show for the ever present paparrazzi.  Andrea apparently is not shy or modest.  Good show!  (via queerclick)

Aug 03, 2005

As Seen On TV

Milfs Ever wonder where those lesbionic reality two-some, Veronica and Rachel get their "I Love Pussy" and "Future Milf" shirts from? 

Well, as TVGasm points out these two are not only mean and nasty bitches on television, they're also pretty creative and surprisingly some-what entrepreneurial.  Collegedropout.com is the site where you can snag some of those nifty lesbian chic tees they are always wearing.  If that's not enough, MTV is preparing to launch a new television show filming the two running their business and searching for a third Future M.I.L.F for their menage a trois of sorts.  Think MTV's lesbian and bitchy version of The Apprentice. (via TVGasm)

Aug 02, 2005

Desperately Seeking Abba

Abba Anticipating Madonna's new album, Confessions on a Dance Floor, there is much speculation and rumors regarding the new single.  One of the most interesting rumors is that Madge's first single "Hung Up", will be sampling ABBA's song "Ring, Ring".  Madonna.com has no mention of this strange combo, but Abba Fan sites and sites like DJ Peter Rauhofer's are all a buzz. Confessions on a Dance Floor will be out this fall.  (via madonnalicious)

Update:  Liz Rosenberg has confirmed to madonnalicious that Madonna's new single Hung Up does NOT contain a sample of ABBA's Ring Ring as previously reported on the www.undercover.au website.

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