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August 17, 2005

Stupid Girl


So in the aftermath of the crap that went down in the Big Brother House this week after our beloved King Kaysar's return and in direct retaliation to Head of Household Jen's nomination to evict him, some cool kids have given us a website to vent our frustration.  Jenvasquezsucks.com comes not a day too soon as we wait for the inevitable on Thursday.  Here is the website's gripe of the stupid girl:

We at jenvasquezsucks.com dont hate “stupid girl” or anyone else. We are simply saying that Jen Vasquez SUCKS. Her play was within the BB rules, but it’s evident she used the dirtiest, most dishonest game tactics ever seen on Big Brother. AND she used it on America’s favorite player, Kaysar.

(via realityblurred.com)


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