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Sorry for the lack of posts. Traveling again. I'll be back in full force on Monday. Happy Thanksgiving. Cheerio!
Off to Harbour Island, Bahamas kids to stretch out the warm weather pattern we've been having. Good timing too since a cold front is coming. Thank god I packed my boardshorts and sun-tan lotion. I'll have internet, but postings will be limited until next week.
I wrote about this beautiful place (where I'm going) way back in April 2004. Sun and fun..here I come.
A bunch of crazy Yale college students (with apparently alot of time on their hands) created this funny spoof on the Mean Girls film entitled "Mean Gays".
Say hello to The Latex. SHUT UP!! This movie is soooo "poof"!
(via collegehumor.com)
YES, we've heard it too...the entire album! We must confess, we can't stop listening to it! HOT!!!
Andy has the review.