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Mar 24, 2005

The Art on The Wall


A british artist named Banksy, has managed to do what for many artists may take years to accomplish, if they are lucky.  He has had his art displayed on four of the major museums here in NYC.  Nevermind that the curators had no idea who he was, had no records of him or that he put the art up on the walls himself!


Read more about it at Woostercollective.com


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Very nice guys, there's now an exhibit of Jean Hélion in the Picasso Museum here in Barcelona, probably you'll have the chance to take a look if you have time once you are here!... by the way how are the plans? let me know when you are going to be here boys!

Very nice guys, there's now an exhibit of Jean Hélion in the Picasso Museum here in Barcelona, probably you'll have the chance to take a look if you have time once you are here!... by the way how are the plans? let me know when you are going to be here boys!

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