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Feb 07, 2005

Project Runway Finalists

Runwaythree click to enlarge

New York is in full Fashion Week mode, and for those who have been following Project Runway, here is a glimpse of the 3 finalists' collections.  From the looks of it, the three finalists are Jay, Kara Saun, and Austin (I can already hear Michael Kors say "too costumy").  For those that are wondering, look closely at the models above.  Melissa and Martinique seem to be battling it out for the final spot. Via NYmetro.

Out.com has also posted dish on the Project Runway fashion show "goings ons" revealing the finalists' names.  (scroll to second paragraph after Madonna).

Fashiontribes.com has their own source proposing that Jay is the winner of Project Runway. 



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» Project Runway hits Fashion Week from Modern Fabulousity
The fashion-designer-meets-Survivor pleasure known as Project Runway is coming into its home stretch, with only four contestants left: the good (Kara Saun), the evil (Wendy), the bitchy (Jay), and the queen (Austin). To keep the three finalists a sec... [Read More]


Dear Weandy,
Being a well wisher of you, my elderly sister. You are the eldest of all the contestents. Your creations were certainly to the level of expectations. But the most surprising is that the dress designed for the theme of envy was something sardonic. I think you should have politeness when you are needed to brunt. please be going up and up and wish you all success O great mother. Your daughter was innocent in the scenes of her entry. Wish all the same greetings to her
career life. I was amazed how Kara saun responded to you at your stay in the hotel, giving no respect to you and usually pugnastic and cunning. Be in check with the latest trends of fashion and new outlooks. We wish you for all your crowning achievements

your fashion week clothes were based on the theme of craziness. But yours wasnot too trendy and wearable which might make others think us flimsy and miserable. I did like like your creations on the themes of bridal looks, envy, and recycling. Your selection to the fashion week was made by yourdesigning for the hollywood actress, but I dont think that yours was the best. I am bewildered that how a professional fashion designer might design such a horrible looking dress with pants

I think Wendy was a dud! Also her make-up was horrible, she looked like a clown! I loved Kara Saun's collections were Fantastic but the shoes thing was a little low. Jay's was wonderful, too. Wendy's was UGLY!

I don't really get the "Wendy" bashing....I think that Kara Saun and her "designer" shoe fiasco was more despicable than anything Wendy did.

Furthermore, Kara Saun and Austin were both designing costumes...not fashion. As for Jay...he has been praised as the next great fashion thing...but who is going to wear that crap??? Wendy had the most wearable collection.

Hard work, maturity, sophistication and talent are what make a winner.

Jay Rocked, Kara Saun was Sexy and Wendy is a Dud. Jay and Kara made fashion, Wendy made dresses.

Kara’s collection was gorgeous. Kor’s used the words perfection and impeccable to describe it. Her white coat in particular should have made Michael Kor’s happy. As perfect as Kara Saun’s collection was, it did look like a fashion show for the Academy Awards to announce the movie The Aviator. Her collection said, “Kara is a great costume designer.”

Jay rocked. And he rolled. And he pulled out some unexpected personal touches, such as the patchwork quilting, which gave his clothes identity – his identity. He also took his signature pattern, button looking circles, made his own textile and made them look sexy on skirts. His collection said, “Jay, Jay, Jay.”

Wah, wah, wannabe Wendy now has her questioned answered. She knows for certain she can’t make it in the fashion industry. I wonder what she’ll blame her pathological conniving behavior on now that she won’t have the show to blame. Does it need to be added, her collections said, “Dud, dud, dud.”

I’m happier that Jay won then Wendy lost. We will hear more from Kara Saun. Bravo to Bravo for an intelligent reality show. Weinstein and Weinstein, we’re out here. We don’t need car chases to keep our attention. We must keep insisting that producers set the bar higher instead of lower when making television shows.

Kara's collection was clearly the best. Thank god Wendy didn't win. Jay's a sweetheart but that collection was too much like a parody of the fashion world. Some of his pieces were brilliant on their own, but each look just looked really off.

Jay @Kara saun . you guys rock .. love jacinto..

jay rocks!!!!! i love his designs!! i wish he was like, my personal stylist!!!

Thank goodness Wendy didn't win. What a shame that others with real talent had to be eliminated in order to keep "her evilness" or "her talentless" on to make the program more interesting.

Kara Saun, you were from the beginning to the end my number 1. The designs are to die for. Love Ya!!!!!

I really think Kara Saun should have won but thank goodness it wasn't Wendy.

I guess Jay will be among his peers!!!

I really think Kara Saun should have won but thank goodness it wasn't Wendy.

Wendy Pepper as a Super Hero

If Wendy Pepper was a Super Hero would she be “Wendy the Imitator”, “Wendy the Smug-Faced” or “Wendy the Smug-Faced Imitator”?

Pepper is the least favorite and least talented of the 12 contestants on Bravo’s hit reality-show Project Runway. Pepper’s goal was to win one of the three coveted slots giving her an opportunity to show her work during Fashion Week in NYC and to ultimately win the $100,000.00 jackpot to start her own clothing line. While the other contestant’s relied on their talent to win the contest, Pepper’s strategy was to eliminate the competition one by one using methods that any Disney Witch hadn’t yet thought up.

Pepper won the two most important competitions in the whole contest by imitation. The first win was for Banana Republic, the contests sponsor. She designed the winning cocktail dress. A strapless, belted, little black number with a matching cape. It got picked because their representative said it would most fit in their line. Banana Republic had already designed it and had even showed it to the contestants as an example of what they were looking for. Pepper even said she copied the cape because Banana Republic was showing them this season. Pepper simply imitated what was shown to her and nobody caught on. Her smug-face was born.

The second win, unbelievably, was for Nancy O’Dell, Host of Access Hollywood. O’Dell came to visit the gang wearing a bright orange, spaghetti strapped, gathered top. Pepper designed a bright orange, spaghetti strapped, gathered top for O’Dell to wear to the Grammy Awards. She failed at the matching skirt because O’Dell had worn slacks when she visited the group. Wendy the Imitator, left to her own devices, uh, talent, designed a hideous concoction of too-much-of-everything. But O’Dell did picked Pepper’s top as the winner because ‘she wear’s top’s like that’. Smug-Faced Wendy had Imitated her way to Fashion Week.

On the Project Runway website, “What is your most embarrassing moment” question was answered by a smug Wendy Pepper saying she designed a dress for a ballerina to wear to an event in New York. She then said the dress fell apart when the girl walked out the door. This became a recurring theme with Pepper. Pepper’s designs left more runway debris than a ticker tape parade.

At first Pepper was thought to be kept on the show by Harvey and Bob Weinstein. The Executive Producers have final say over the esteemed judges about who stays and who goes. Pepper is perfect reality-TV fodder. Smug faced, turn-coat behavior, a camera hog
(some say it was she that marred the picture of her own daughter to get more camera time). But as weeks went by and she still wasn’t eliminated, it became obvious that the
Bothers Weinstein have no bar on low. The public became alarmed then outraged that truly talented designers were being eliminated in order to keep Pepper’s mouth in motion. But the public didn’t tune in for low-brow TV. Fodder is easily digested but talent is savored.

Hopefully the Weinstein Brothers don’t have a say in the final decision. The two other semi-finalists, whose respective talent to get them there, Kara Saun and Jay McCarroll have professional demeanors to match their talent. Anyone could envision either one of them fitting in with fashions elite. The seamstress from Virginia belongs where she is. Not in New York.

Let’s watch what happens.


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